Crew List Template & Tutorial

A good crew list template does much more than simply listing your team’s names and contact information. It can be used as a day out of days, a paperwork tracker, or even as a simple budget.
Although templates are great, every production office is different. Finding the perfect piece of software can often be an impossible mission, which is why I decided to not only create a template crew list but also to create an in-depth tutorial around its creation.
This tutorial is designed for Google Sheet beginners. Each lesson explores one or two concepts that I find to be useful when creating production documents.
The later lessons are centered around more complex functions, and make use of the previously learned ones.
Course curriculum
Lesson 1 – Data Validation and Named Ranges
Lesson 2 – Conditional formatting
Lesson 3 – Vlookup, absolute and relative references
Lesson 4 – IF Statements, AND / OR operators
Lesson 5 – Importrange
Lesson 6 – Array formulas and Range protection
Lesson 7 – CountA and an overall recap of the course
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